Almost Half of New Hires Have Regrets or Second Thoughts in First Week

Oct 1,
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In nine out of ten cases, new hires experience some form of regret or second thoughts after starting a job. According to a new survey, 45 percent of new hires had seriously considered quitting within their first week on the job. 27 percent of them had even taken a few steps towards leaving. One major issue was poor employer-employee communication, as 39 percent of newbies claimed their onboarding process was not effective. Respondents also found the transition to be overwhelming, with 47 percent reporting feeling "overburdened" and 33 percent feeling anxious. Such concerns were even more pronounced for younger respondents and for those transitioning between jobs. To address the issue of new hire attrition, human resources experts suggest companies focus more on the support offered during onboarding, closely monitor how well new hires transition, and create an effective feedback loop to ensure they have a positive experience.